
January 4th, 2011

Welcome to Movie Review Den, where we watch everything so you don’t have to.

It is our goal to make this your one stop shop for recommendations on Movies and TV shows. Our staff of reviewers are die hard fans of entertainment media and love to share their opinions with anyone willing to listen, so why not harness that talent to make your lives just a little bit easier. Consider us your spam filter, saving you from the let down of a bad movie night. We are an eclectic bunch, with differing views. One of the features you will find in the future is the counterpoint review. We understand that enjoyment of Movies, TV shows, and other entertainment is all about opinion, when our staff disagrees on a movie we will provide both sides arguments for you to view, and decide for yourself. As time passes, and you get a better feel for the individual reviewers and how their opinions line up with yours this tool will become less necessary. However, I’m sure some enjoyment will come from the ensuing arguments themselves.

In any case, I look forward to the future of this site.

Ted – Senior Reviewer and Founder.